Sheila B. Ministries is pleased to introduce Makeover Mondays! We invite you to post on social media your favorite pics, videos, or statements in celebration of your life Makeover Moments. Include dishes that you are cooking from your favorite leftovers, words that you live by in life's seasons of Makeover or decisions to try something new. We can't wait to hear from you! Please take a moment on Mondays to post a comment on Sheila B.'s Facebook page and other social media: #MakeoverMonday
Every day is a good day for a Makeover Moment!
Check out these new Makeover Monday stories:
[click the image to visit the Facebook page post]
To Share Your Makeover Story, create a Fellowship One account if you don't already have one.
Click the button above to get started.
Click Share Your Makeover Story to complete the survey and share your Makeover Story. We use Fellowship One, so you may need to create an account if you don't already have one. We salute the courageous leaders and citizens of Houston for helping to makeover a great Texas city that has been rebuilding since devastating storms hit the gulf coast. Our prayers and support remain.