Prayer Ministry

What is Prayer?

Prayer is the communication process that allows us to talk with God in real time, like a personal phone call. Tools such as cell phones, computers and social media, allow us to connect with family and friends almost anytime, any place and anywhere. Advanced technology has transformed our lives; however, the most important and life-changing communication tool is Prayer. Prayer is a personal and intimate connection with our loving Heavenly Father. Prayer is our direct line to Heaven and, unlike technology, Prayer does not have any downtime and we can never roam outside of His reach. Our Lord and Savior’s life was Prayer. He would spend time alone with the Father in Prayer and He taught His disciples to pray. He is the Ultimate Intercessor and has set the example for us.

Sheila Bailey Ministries was birthed in prayer and is bathed in prayer.  Prayer support is the backbone to this ministry. The Sheila Bailey Ministries Prayer Team will seek to mobilize women throughout the Nation to renew their passion for Jesus through praying unceasingly. Women will be engaged in prayer by submitting prayer requests, praying for Sheila Bailey Ministries using the monthly Prayer Calendar, particpating in ministry prayer initiatives, and may opt to receive the quarterly SBM Newsletter.

Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”

Dr. Sheila Bailey began her Christian journey as a child, where she learned the purpose of prayer. She later learned the awesome power of prayer during her beloved husband, the late Dr. E.K. Bailey’s battle with cancer. In this season of her life she would experience a new dimension of prayer and the manifestation of 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  Standing on God’s Word, in fervent prayer, she continues the journey with Sheila Bailey Ministries, faithfully claiming the promises of prayer. 

​The SMB Prayer Partnership Invitation

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Dr. Sheila Bailey extends a special invitation for you to join other women around the Nation who have committed themselves to partnering in prayer with Sheila Bailey Ministries. SBM Prayer Partnership is a three-fold commitment:          
  • Our Commitment to God 
  • SBM Prayer Team Commitment to each Partner 
  • Prayer Partner Commitment to SBM

If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to become an SBM Prayer Partner, we are asking you to commit to pray one day a week for at least ten to fifteen minutes for Dr. Sheila and Sheila B. Ministries.   Dr. Sheila’s prayer requests are sent via e-mail, and the Prayer Calendar and Ministry Engagement Calendars are both posted on the website on the Calendar page.  Prayerfully consider signing up to be a SBM Prayer Partner. Please send your contact information to us at Thank you for joining us in prayer. May the blessings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ rest upon you. 

Quarterly Prayer Calendar

Each quarter, we distribute a prayer calendar with particular areas of emphasis.  To view the current calendar and join us in corporate prayer, click here.

Teleconference Prayer Hotlines 

Sheila Bailey Ministries will conduct Monthly Prayer Hotlines on the first THURSDAY of each month from 7:00 - 7:30 pm.  

Dial-in Information  
NEW Dial–in Number: (385)-799-9501 (no code required)

Prayer Requests

If you have a Prayer Request, please use the following link to send an email to us.  Your prayer requests will be shared with the SBM Prayer Team who will keep it confidential. It will not be published on the website.  To submit your prayer request, click on the button below:

Ms. Mentrall McCloud
National Prayer Ministry Director
Sheila Bailey Ministries

Mrs. Mentrall McCloud is currently a member of Faith Chapel Community Church, Lancaster TX, which she co-founded along with her husband of 39 years, the late Pastor Henry T. McCloud. Serving as the “First Lady”, she, under the guidance of the Lord and leadership of her husband, organized and chaired various ministries including Evangelism, Incarceration and Foster care for children. She is also the founder of “Christmas In October” ministry that caters to unchurched and unsaved women. Despite the passing of the senior pastor and founder, Faith Chapel Community Church has continued to flourish carrying on the McCloud legacy with Sis. McCloud leading the women's ministry.  Her passion for empowering women from all walks of life has grown into a full-fledged Women's Empowerment Conference held annually in November. Sis. McCloud is devoted to a weekly prayer line ministry believing “that where two or three are gathered together” prayers will be answered. This devout prayer life has led her to be selected as the National Prayer Director for Sheila B. Ministries praying for those in need all over the nation.  She doesn’t stop there, in her love for the Lord, she utilizes her gifted speaking ability for various speaking engagements with one goal in her heart: to give God glory. Mrs. McCloud is the mother of 3 sons and grandmother of 5 grandsons. She treasures spending time with her family and the Lord. One of her favorite scriptures is: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20.

Contact Metrall by email at:  or by phone at:  214-695-5847