The Unexpected Assignment

September 12, 2024

Many times, age brings unforeseen changes. Never is that more true than when grandparents find themselves becoming parents for the second time. It’s a role that many would say that they were not prepared for. If honest, they would even say that initially it was a role they did not desire.  Yet understanding the need – they accepted the unexpected assignment.

Saying yes –definitely required prayer- for raising grandchildren is never easy. Saying yes means opening your heart and your home and becoming parents again. It means that no matter your age, this is a need that you must fulfill.  How in the world can you do it? How many times will you need to tell yourself… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (smiles).

The sacrifice required is immeasurable but so is the joy. For the grandchildren it means that they are exposed to a wellspring of wisdom, strength, dedication and love. Because for most grandparents once they say yes, they realize that this indeed, is an assignment from God.   
Also, many grandparents would tell you that the assignment has brought an unexpected bonus. So much about life at a later age is taken for granted. However, to children everything is new. Their joy, their smiles, their hugs – make every sacrifice by their grandparents worthwhile.

God smiles on the grandparents who said “yes Lord” I will do this with my whole heart. So in the month of September when grandparents’ day is celebrated let us pause and honor them. Not only did they accept the assignment, they are determined to excel at it.  These are the men and women in whom God is well pleased.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:4  ESV)
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13:16 NIV)
