He Is Calling!
By Cokiesha B. Robinson |
Who was the last person that called your name? Was it your mother? Your children? Your spouse? Your best friend? Supervisor, roommate or team mate? Isn’t it special to hear our name being called? It makes us feel special, significant and set apart.
In John chapter 20 our risen Savior took the time to call the name of one of His children. He saw that Mary Magdalene was at the tomb where He had been buried. She was distraught. She recalled his tortuous murder on the cross 3 days prior and stood there weeping. She was probably hysterical and confused. She felt as though Jesus’ body had mysteriously come up missing.
Mary stood there nervous, bewildered and sorrowful. Then, Jesus saw her condition, her posture and her tears. He responded like a compassionate father and like a loving teacher. He gently said, “Mary.”
By simply calling her name, he changed Mary’s perspective. He changed her perception and He gave her renewed passion. Guess what? He desires to do the same thing for each of us today.
Sometimes problems or pain causes us to develop spiritual tunnel vision. At times we only see what seems to be missing from our lives or we look for “dead things” in a place where hope should reside. Jesus has come to give us a better perspective. Today, stop looking for “dead things” in a place where life lives. God wants to exchange your tears for joy. Mary perceived that Jesus was a gardener. Little did she know that the Savior of the world was standing right before her eyes. He had been risen! When Jesus called her name, she gained a new perception. The blinders were taken off her eyes and her disbelief was disabled. Today, Jesus longs to give us a new perception. Life may have distorted our vision, but today, we can see him more clearly if we recognize his voice. Jesus changed Mary’s passion as well. He renewed her intense enthusiasm. She came to the tomb bowed down and grieving but she left the grave with her head held high. She had been hopeless but now she was hopeful. Jesus gave Mary passion to experience Him and a desire to lead others into encounters with Him.
Do you see yourself in Mary’s story? Today, choose to leave the cemetery of your experiences. God raised Jesus so that we may live life abundantly. He’s changing our perspective, our perception and our passion. Run on, my friends! Be encouraged because God lives, we can live as well. Close your eyes and sing these true words that will ring throughout the ages, “Because he lives we can face tomorrow, because he lives all fear is gone…. and life is worth the living just because he lives!” Listen…..he’s calling you!