Happy Father's Day!
June 11, 2017
We honor the irrevocable impact of Dads, grandfathers, uncles, father figures and mentors.
Some memorable fathers in the Bible are, Abraham, Isaac, David and Joseph. Like modern day fathers, some are remembered for good deeds, great leadership and godly character and some are remembered for generational irresponsibility.
Today is a great day to embrace the GREAT gift of fatherhood. It may also be a time to forgive fathers who may have been M.I.A. or present but absent.
We all have the perfect Father in God the Father. He is “Our Father.” (Matthew 6:9) He is Love, consistent in character and shows no favoritism to his children.
I recall loving memories with my father, Joseph Smith, who honorably served God, his family, church and community. My favorite memories were with him and my mother and sister going on picnics and long drives. Dad is also the one who introduced me to the Bible by reading biblical stories.
What is your best memory with your Dad?
These words of an unknown writer paint timeless thoughts:
4 YEARS: My Daddy can do anything.
8 YEARS: Dad doesn't know
12 YEARS: Oh, well, naturally Dad doesn't understand.
25 YEARS: He comes up with a good idea now and then.
30 YEARS: Must find out what Dad thinks about it.
60 YEARS: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.
We honor your memories and living legacies today.
For every boy that is becoming a man, we charge you to do as many fathers have done before you,
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Thank God for Fathers!
Enjoy your special day,
Sheila B.