Celebrating Black History Month: Goodbye Mr. President

By Jeaninne Stokes |  February 3, 2017


By Jeaninne Stokes

Every four or eight years, a new President is inaugurated and the existing President exits the White House. But this particular year, it wasn't just any president exiting the White House, but the first African-American president of our United States - Barack Hussein Obama II.
As I reflect over his eight years as President, and listen and read the many comments shared by the African-American community, below are some of the qualities I've heard most that we'll miss: 
  • His intelligence
  • His style 
  • His calmness under pressure
  • His great oratory skills
  • His love for his wife and family
  • His beautiful wife and daughters
  • His effortless coolness
  • His swagger
  • His 'Dap"
  • His soulfulness
  • His smile
  • His wife's beauty
  • His wife's excellent taste and style
  • His wife's love for her children
  • His wife's agenda to fight obesity in children
  • His wife's open door White House policy
Although I agree these are all great reasons why we'll miss President Obama, I'd like to add one more:  we'll miss him because of how well he represented the African-American community. For you see, for so long our community has been criticized and ridiculed for the way we dress, look, talk, speak and live. For so long, we have been relegated as second class citizens who others didn't think could sit with Kings and Queens at royal tables or talk world politics with Presidents, Diplomats and others in high authority. For so long, our families have been described as broken, dysfunctional and problematic. But then along came President Obama. He became President and showed the world that in spite of its stereotypes about African-Americans, we are people who love our families and will do everything necessary to protect our family unit. In spite of racism and character attacks, he became President and showed the world we are people who can respond with dignity, class, patience and grace. He became President and showed others we are people who can walk with world leaders and dignitaries on a global platform, yet have fun on the White House lawn with boys and girls, no matter what race, creed or color. He became President and showed others we are people who can embrace the swagger, coolness and rhythm of our culture, even when walking down the hallowed corridors of the White House, or standing on the red carpets of the Heads of States. 
So yes, we are saddened that President Obama's tenure has come to an end. And between our tears, we say thank you. Thank you, Mr. President for representing us well. You showed the world African-American life and culture in a way no one else could have done, and to paraphrase an unknown poet, "you may not have always done things perfectly, but you were the best of us the world has ever seen."
Sharing my perspective,
Copyright 2016.  JStokes Writing Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

About Jeaninne Stokes

Jeaninne Stokes is a Christian author, speaker, Bible-teacher and founder of JStokes Writing Ministries. Her mission is to write to equip and inspire others as they seek to live a life of faith in every aspect of their lives. To read more of her writings, sign up for her mailing list or visit her at:


