Be Free!
By Cokiesha B. Robinson |
“No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out…” (ISV) 1 Corinthians 10:13
My mother and I chatted the other day and we shared a good laugh. Apparently a little bird some how got into her home and refused to leave. Yes, it decided that it would rather be on the inside of the house for the day rather than in the trees or flying high in its own habitat. My mother was not sure how the bird came in the house, but she was puzzled because the bird became quite comfortable in her sun room perched upon a porcelain bird. She opened the windows and the doors hoping to encourage the bird to re-enter his natural environment. That was not successful. Then she offered the bird bread crumbs bit by bit and that didn’t seem to work either. Surely, this bird was stubborn, confused or had become complacent living in an atmosphere that was not created for him. All he had to do was look up and look out. The doors and windows were open and yet he remained ignorantly imprisoned.
How many times have we acted or reacted just like this little lost bird? We have often found ourselves in life longing for a way out and yet we have not taken the appropriate or obvious way out. We have either ignored the “way of escape” or we have convinced ourselves that we are just fine in a lifestyle or situation that God did not create us for or to endure. Some times God has presented a way for us to escape and we have often overlooked it or ignored it.
My friends, today let us look up and look out! You may feel that something or someone has imprisoned you. Remember, God ALWAYS gives us a way of escape. The windows and doors are open in your life…now, it’s up to you to take a step of faith. Freedom and faith are inextricably tied. Christ gives us the power to be free. John 8:36 says, “Whom the son sets free is free indeed!” Walk into your freedom today!