A Prayer for Mothers - Thank You!
By Reverend Ella M. Tharpe |
Father God, as we approach the day of celebration for mothers, we want to thank you for creating and ordaining mothers. Your Word admonishes us to, “Honor our father and mother, as the Lord our God commanded; that our days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with us, in the land the Lord our God gives to us.” We honor mothers by saying, thank you. Mothers have been, are and always will be, a foundational strength to the family, church and the community. We thank you for your unfailing love towards mothers. Thank you for mothers who labor with and give their time not only to their own children, but to all of the children with whom they come in contact. Thank you for praying mothers who take all of their cares to you, knowing that you care for them. Thank you for those mothers who have not learned how to pray or to depend on you. Connect them with other mothers that love you and know your heart; who will take the time to mentor them in prayer and teach them to honor you in all they do. Thank you for all mothers, from the youngest to the oldest, who bind up the broken hearted with words of comfort and peace, and who open their hands to the poor. Give them wisdom and strength to birth, teach, mentor and train children, and to love and cherish their family, church and community. Please give them rest when they are weary and strength when they are weak.
I also pray for those who long for the physical presence of their mother, the warm hugs and the pleasant smiles. Let them remember every special moment with tears of joy and laughter, and let them always give thanks to you for every precious memory. Please cover them with love when they feel unloved and a garment of praise when they are heavy in spirit. As they remember their mother, let them thank you for the great works their mother accomplished, the lives she touched, the words of comfort and peace she spoke, and the great and powerful prayers she prayed. Thank you Lord for our mothers leaving us a lifetime legacy of godly wisdom. Help us to share and pass it down to our children. Thanks be to you Father, for all of the great things you have done and will continue to do through mothers. In the mighty and majestic Name of Jesus, Amen!