A Prayer for August 2015
By Salome Austin, Member, Concord Church, Dallas, TX | August 6, 2015
We come with hearts thankful for your grace and mercy and yielding to your plans for this ministry. We are on the brink of new and exciting opportunities for Sheila Bailey Ministries, and we are confident that You have plans to continue to prosper and bless the ministry. We trust You and will faithfully follow your guidance and direction for this ministry that You ordained long ago.
Father, bless Dr. Sheila and those in leadership and fill them with your Holy Spirit and infuse them with your wisdom and your character. Encourage those who may be fearful and unsure, and give them clarity of vision and clarity of calling. Grant them the power to stand in your will despite the circumstances. For those who are dealing with problems, give them wisdom, comfort and peace, and for the lonely, grant them the calm assurance of your presence.
Dear Jesus, bless the works of Dr. Sheila’s hands and may every aspect of this ministry proper, and may her priority always be to please You, Almighty God. Bless the entire Bailey family and protect them and give them patience and power to keep up the work that You began in them.
Lord, go before us and yet remain with us, so that we would see You, hear your voice and respond in obedience. Thank You for dwelling with us and within us.
Holy Father, we fall freely into your grace and bless your Holy name. For it is your name alone that is to be praised, and so we praise You, Almighty God, not under compulsion but freely, gratefully, joyfully, lovingly, and thankfully.
Dear Lord, we close this prayer the way it began, with thanksgiving. Thank You again Lord, for You have been so good. Your mercies are new every morning and words are inadequate as we attempt to praise and thank You, but you know our hearts. We will continue to praise You for all You have done and are doing in the life of Sheila B. Ministries. You are the God of infinite grace and mercy and we love you Lord. Thank You for loving us with an everlasting love.
We gratefully submit this prayer in the precious Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and for your glory, Amen. Back