A Mother's Day Prayer
By Reverend Carlyn Houston | May 4, 2016
“Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:”
Proverbs 31:28
her husband also, and he praises her:”
Proverbs 31:28
Most Gracious and Loving Father,
We thank You for the treasured gift of Mothers to whom You have given the unique ability of participating with You in the miracle of life. We honor Mothers for their selfless love, beauty, strength, endurance, patience, encouragement, tenderness, nurturing spirit, compassion, sacrifice, devotion, wisdom, and much more! Grant that every woman would come to know the full meaning of the divine blessing of Motherhood, and the joy in fulfilling this motherly calling.
Oh Lord, we pray your blessings upon all Mothers, those Mothers who have given birth, and Mothers who have children born of the heart, those adoptive mothers, surrogate mothers, foster mothers, spiritual mothers, mothers who nurture children of blended families, and mothers who may not have children of their own, but give unselfishly to care for others. Bless the child in the womb of the expectant Mother, and grant her joy in the birth and rearing of her child.
We beseech You Holy Spirit to bring healing, comfort, strength and peace to the hearts of Mothers who are grieving for any reason, such as health challenges, divorce, death, the loss of a child, incarceration of a child, a prodigal child, a child who is addicted to alcohol or drugs, and any child estranged from the family and we pray God’s protection for those in trouble or danger.
Dear Lord, may we as Mothers grow in the knowledge and understanding of You and nurture faith in our children. Grant that we would follow the ultimate example of the Christian Mother, Mary, the Mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and imitate her loyalty, humility, sacrifice, obedience, and selfless love. Let all Mothers be inspired by your mercy, grace, strength and sacrificial love as we are being transformed into your image day by day…In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.
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