The Ultimate S.P.A. Experience

June 2, 2022

Spa experiences often promise restoration and peace to our heart and mind.
However, the ultimate “SPA experience” comes not from a business but from the One in whom we believe. 


eek the Lord- Seek the Lord and believe that he will provide you peace in any situation. 


ersevere- Accept whatever challenge you are facing. Believe that not only is the Lord with you; he is working it out for your good.  


ttain- Believe that with God, there will be divine deliverance.   This means that peace will come in God’s time, in God’s way, IF you let him lead you.

Psalm 27:8-9 - "Your face, Lord I will seek. You have been my help."
Psalm 34:4 -  "I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all of my fears"

Adapted from the Inheritance - Come to the S.P.A.

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