2018 - Time for New Beginnings

December 31, 2017

Happy New Year From Sheila B. Ministries
“The Earth is the Lord’s…”
Psalm 24:1

We are wishing each of you a glorious new year filled with joy, growth opportunities and many moments to cherish.

Christmas often causes us to grab hold to ‘our gifts’ and to fall in love with things of this world.
While enjoying gifts and sharing presents with family is quite wonderful, it is important that we know that our life’s gifts are only on loan. 

As the holiday season fades and responsibilities, opened doors and challenges of the new  year come to meet each of us, may we be reminded that nothing belongs to us.

Dr. Warren Wiersbe, a longtime friend, powerful preacher, author and evangelical statesman once said, “God is the manufacturer. We are only the manager.”

Life often blurs our vision but we all need reminders on our journey that everything belongs to God
(Deuteronomy 10:14).

May our choices this year reflect our understanding of stewardship of life, loved ones, time, people, gifts  and resources.  Let us invest in what matters most and be sure to give back to God what already belongs to Him.

Thank you for praying for and partnering with this ministry. We appreciate you and look forward to sharing more special moments together in the New Year.
Here’s to new beginnings and to gifts that never fade,

Sheila B.


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