It’s About the Name He Has for You

October 3, 2023

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.
Proverbs 22: 1- from the 21st Century (KJV)

All of us have an opinion about our name.   Many of us are named after someone else. It could be someone in our family, someone in history or someone in the Bible.  Modern- day society often places value on our name based on fads, trends, culture and family history.

No matter what name you were given – you are one of a kind created by one who knows you intimately.  Since he created you he has a special bond with you. You are blessed no matter what your given name is, because of your creator. However, you are abundantly blessed because the creator considers you as his own, adopted into his family.  

So what is the name He calls you when he thinks of you? Is it daughter, chosen, forgiven, beloved? Whatever, He calls you- it is a sign that you have favor. It is a sign that you are loved. It is a sign that as his child, a child that he has named, that you have a relationship that is far greater than any riches. 
Adapted from The Inheritance - “Blessing in a Name “
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